Monday, May 31, 2010

Sailing Sailing and more sailing...

I've been out of this blogging thing for the last couple of days. I was too tired at the end of the day to blog my adventures but here goes a quick summary of my life in the past three days,

Saturday I woke up and started packing my stuff for Woods Hole (I leave tomorrow), then I got together with my ex-roomie Edgar and went to the Galleria to buy stuff for my trip. After failing to find woolen socks we left the galleria. It was raining and we had our bikes so we biked back to MIT in the rain. Biking in the rain was fun but during a curve my bike tire slipped and I fell on my knee. Not a big fall but a fall nonetheless Then on saturday night we went moonlight sailing! This was pretty awesome and had some good burgers and good company. We also met some guy on the boat from Milan and then everyone started talking about their bad experiences in Milan which was kinda funny.

Sunday was probably one of the best days ever... (First of all it was windy!) I woke up at 8am and went to the pavilion to help teach the Sunday sailing class (a class which all of YOU should take). Helping teach the class was pretty fun there were only two capsizes so no major harm was done and i got to go around in a Tech Dinghy telling people what to do. I was glad to see my friends Keesling and Oscar take the class and do very well in their first day sailing! A certain curly haired Jewish girl on the other hand never showed up for the class... After the class we went to Shaws with Keesling and Oscar and then returned to the pavilion. We sailed for another 2-3 Hours and I enjoyed watching them learn and sort of freak out when big gusts of wind came their way. However as I said before they did an awesome job sailing on the first day!

Ohhhh.... also I've had really weird dreams lately... on Saturday morning I woke up after having a dream that involved me turning into a strange flying energy animal. I was also being hunted down by Ellen who wanted to kill me because apparently I was a danger for mankind. The dream also involved me sailing, Megan Fox and getting a brass rat for my friend Luis back home. And Sunday morning i woke up after a dream where I was at 3rd East with all the gang and me and Mario were explaining to everyone what an op amp did. I also vaguely remember talking to some of the course 16ers about working on an altitude controller.

Random Thought of the day: I love almonds. RAW almonds, roasted almonds are ok, but salted almonds are a crime against mankind.


  1. I dreamed about you and Dana last night. You should ask me about it.

  2. @ Ellen---I want ti know what you dreamed about!!

    Roberto, why don't you just call her her proper name rather than just repeatedly calling her a curly haired Jewess? It's kinda silly since we all know her! Geez.

  3. Anne- mentioning Dana's Jew-ness and curly-haired-ness just expresses her awesomeness more.

  4. dana i think u should ask roberto what the dream was about
