Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flavorful Borderline Racist Video

So... I'm taking an awesome class called 4.301 - Intro to Visual Arts. And for our first assignment in this class we did a video project. At the start I was not sure of what I wanted to do with my video but with help from my friends and some random inspiration that happens very late at night I decided to do something ridiculous (surprise surprise!)

The video is pretty self explanatory:

So... yeah not self explanatory at all ajaj! The assignment for this video was to think of the theme "Shaping Time" and alto to think about "circuits and systems". I decided to change the name to "Shopping Time" and then to use the supermarket at the system to study, i found the supermarket an interesting system because so many different cultures combine in a small very efficient space. I dressed up with a huge clock to relate to the "shaping time" theme (contrary to public opinion I did not want to emulate flavor flav, actually i did not know who he was when i decided on my outfit). The music was one of my favorite parts because it allowed me to present the different cultures and circumstances via audio and sound.

My prof. really liked the video and even called it "borderline racist", which I am not sure if it is a compliment or not.

1 comment:

  1. After all that, you left without your groceries!
